Sunday, January 31, 2010

In rememberance of self

self portrait

Self portrait

There comes and there goes, there is and there was, I went and came back, I go now.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010



I am me that is who I was. No one is to tell what is to become of me but me, but not me now, me later. This is a picture of me but not me now, me before. I wonder who I was back then on that sunny morning, what did I want me to do? Maybe I took me out to do something to fill up my life with like drink a cup of black coffee and smoke a big fat cigarette and wonder if anyone else would come wandering into my day.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

An image born of boredom

A broken light from tourist picture point 08.

I have arrived back in St. Ives today and have gone into the archive to give you this!
Every day in St. Ives the same thing happens. A tourist takes a picture from this exact angle near the bus teminal. Imagine how many people out there have a photo from this rather ordinary spot. I am guessing into the billions.
And so I went about the mammoth task of grabbing my own little memoir from 'tourist picture point', as I am proclaiming it. And hell yes did it feel good, 'oh yess' I thought to myself upon the pinnacle of touristic photographic bliss.
I cant wait for the summer for all the visitors to come again so I can watch them getting their little kicks there at the point, oohhh.
I never knew a broken light would create such a following I would have been reborn as one or maybe a beefburger. Goodnight.