Saturday, January 28, 2012

80's Lui bao smokes from the Qing dynasty celadon teacups

Sun drying

The sun brought warmth into the shop today yet my fingertips were numb, I utilised the warmth and puts some pots out to dry. I felt happy to see the sun today, it makes living here even more magic. The cake of young puehr Mansai has suffered the effects of damp and has started to grow tiny green spores. I have removed the areas of spoilt leaves but will keep the rest, I hope I just got there in time because it is a beautiful and pungent tea I bought especially.

I am feeling positive that things can only get more powerful now this year.

Because the Mansai was spoilt I had some 80's Lui Bao instead, luckily some guests came and I shared it too.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

january studio

January started with a firing and a trip to London with Michel to do a show in Mayfair, It was a very quick turnover, I havent processed the images yet, but will this weekend.

I had a great day in the studio, sold a few pots today and Steven started filming some short passages for his project. The pottery will be captured in time.....

I have startd production of the Eden project commission, I slipped the first 150 today and they are starting to dry. I have an electric wheel now which is quite a revolution for Boscean pottery, Its really helping to allow a steady production rate.

I have been drinking wild Bansha and green mulberry pakchong thailand tea from postcard teas, both very warming and comforting for this hail driven wind rattled moon slither of a day.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mystic Power

The Sun, St.Just, Dec 2011.

Friday, January 6, 2012