Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Spring No.1

Spring is the opportunity to review what is necessary after winter, a cleansing period from the death of winter, a time for newness and change.
As humans we place such pride and emphasis on our possessions and objects, sometimes for a long time after they are useful or positive for us. I would know because I am a hoarder and a potter, continually producing objects set in stone. I will be smashing some for my spring clean...Ahh.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Hannah Lawrence pottery

Molochite porcelain teacups with celadon glaze interior

Shino glaze teapot

Hannah is a unique crafts woman with a great understanding of the beauty of nature , art and life. Her recent pottery works are made in response to learning more about brewing and drinking chinese tea. Hannah's pottery is all made by handbuilding and not on a potters wheel, making the work quite animated and otherwordly. There is a lot of magic captured in the fired clay which is often left raw on the outside. The clay reveals the making process, and this is no walk in the park, patience is a virtue and each of Hannah's pots are made with so much care. Hannah uses three main clays of porcelain, stoneware and blackclay which are fired to 1280 degrees centigrade in a gas kiln. I hope you enjoy the photos.......and there will be more where these came from.......

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Leo Full moon

Leo full moon, full on energy.

As it came up around 6 oclock it pronounced its presence with pride.